Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA
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Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA

Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA
Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA
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5-Star Level of Excellence

5-Star Communications Award

Communications Awardees

5-Star Level of Excellence Award

We have received our 2019 5-Star Level of Excellence (LOE) award from MOAA!  Every year, MOAA’s chapters compete to receive a 4 or 5-star levels of Excellence Award. The award is a lookback on the 2019 calendar year programs, initiatives, and successful experiences of councils and chapters. This year, 115 of MOAA’s very best councils and chapters earned their 5-Stars award, and 55 above-average councils and chapters earned their 4-Star awards. The entire list of awardees has been published on MOAA’s website.  

Some of the LOE criteria include grassroots advocacy, community engagement, support of MOAA legislative issues, and responsible chapter leadership.  The award will be presented at our 22 February Christmas Party at Governors Land. Remember many of our 2020 events were cancelled due to the pandemic.

Col. Marvin J. Harris Communications Award

We are proud to announce that VIPMOAA’s Newsletter and Website received the MOAA Five-Star Communications award in April 2021. This is the second year in a row we have received this award. 

Each year, national MOAA holds the Col. Marvin J. Harris Communications Award Contest to identify councils and chapters that do an outstanding job communicating with their members and community. MOAA affiliates competed in two categories of competition: print/e-newsletters and websites. A panel of judges scored the submissions based on a set of subjective criteria, looking at both design and content. Councils and chapters received extra credit for communication efforts that went above and beyond established standards, with additional points being awarded in the print/e-newsletter category to affiliates that published their own membership directory and recruiting materials.

In the websites category, affiliates that communicated with their members via email networks and social media channels received extra credit. We are pleased that VIPMOAA is one of eleven Virginia chapters and councils receiving the award.  MOAA recognized 104 councils and chapters in the US with the five-star awards for their exemplary communication efforts and eight councils and chapters with the four-star award for their outstanding efforts.


Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA
Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA
Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA
Virginia Peninsula Chapter MOAA

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